Kai W. Gary
Executive Director
Hi, I’m Kai and I am living my dream – educating the next generation of dynamic students, DYNAMICALLY!
The word dynamic describes a person who has a positive attitude and is full of energy and new ideas.
If used in a sentence: Kai is a dynamic Teacher. But I wasn’t born dynamic. I BECAME DYNAMIC.
As a child, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, like my mother. In fact, some of my first students were the stuffed animals in my collection. I also enjoyed role-playing in administrative positions like Secretary or as the CEO of a company.
Unfortunately, I suffered with a learning disability as a result of a birth injury. Learning wasn’t dynamic…back then it was difficult. My configuration of numbers was inverted. It took me longer than the average student to read and comprehend. And my inability to apply skills useful in logic and reasoning caused me to sink in despair.
But I prevailed because I knew if I was going to be a teacher, I had to become the BEST student.
Knowledge Works Learning Academy, Inc. is the manifestation of MY DYNAMIC DESTINY. We are a non-profit, private, education-based entity operating in an after school setting for students in Kindergarten – 12th grades using character education as a basis for subject instruction and emphasizing Flowing in the S.T.R.E.A.A.M. – an acronym for Science, Technology, Right Living, Engineering, Arts, Agriculture, and Math. Our signature program consists of homework assistance, an intensive reading program, and instruction in the core subjects.
The prospective start dates for the Summer program is Monday – Friday from 8 am – 5 pm & Friday our program ends at 2pm with a weekly charge of $110 per week per child (additional discount for additional children). The purpose of the program is to provide educational resources to youth after school, support parents who work part or full-time, collaborate with the Phenix City community, and help in the abatement of truancy for Phenix City proper.
KWLA has a board of 7 members made up of Phenix City citizens ranging in backgrounds from a medical doctor, a local businessman, a college student, two graduate students and a certified teacher. We received our nonprofit determination letter from the IRS confirmed on November 1, 2016.
Since our humble beginnings over 5 years ago, we have moved forward in the development of a unique curriculum, we have formed collaborations with Auburn University, Columbus State University, and we have integrated services with other nonprofit organizations in the Chattahoochee Valley area to establish a relational value to our activities and existence in the community. Because at KWLA it’s all about the kids!
Now, the question to ask is, “Do you know if your kid is DYNAMIC?” Come by KWLA, where those who have difficulties become DYNAMIC!
KWLA is Gold Star Approved by GuideStar
Click the link above to view our national rating!